When applied early in the development cycle, simulation technologies can rapidly accelerate the creation of high performance, more robust and profitable products. But it can be hard to choose the right simulation solution and implement it effectively when resources are limited.

Altair, a global technology company providing solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), and artificial intelligence (AI), is hosting a free virtual event called ‘Don’t be late to simulateon Tuesday 30th November for companies completely new to simulation or looking to expand their current capabilities.

This event is intended for anyone considering implementing simulation for the first time, utilising CAD embedded simulation tools but running into challenges with speed and accuracy, or wanting to take the next step and explore multiphysics analysis.

Through a mixture of presentations and workshops participants will discover how easy it can be to empower their teams to take full advantage of the same tools used by top engineering companies across the globe, regardless of the size of their design and engineering teams.

Presenters including Bucher Municipal, GN Audio, Pentre Group, Stanley Robotics and Rescroft, will explain how they got started with simulation and reveal how a simulation-driven design approach can reduce development time while saving development and manufacturing costs.

Attendees to the event will have a chance to receive discounted software and training for first-time customers as part of Altair’s time-limited Elevate program.

To view the agenda and to register for the event please visit this page.

Altair Engineering  – www.altair.cominfo@uk.altair.com